- There are many powerful kings, leaders, learned scholars, scientists, artists, engineers, inventors, excavators, archaeologists, industrialists, politicians, economists, business magnates, and many more powerful deities or demigods like Brahmā, Śiva, Indra, Candra, Sūrya, Varuṇa and Marut, who are all protecting the interest of the universal affairs of maintenance, in different positions, and all of them are different powerful parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord.
- The Supreme Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa is the father of all living entities, who are placed in different high and low positions according to their desires or aspirations.
- Some of them, as particularly mentioned above, are specifically endowed with powers by the will of the Lord.
- A sane person must know for certain that a living being, however powerful he may be, is neither absolute nor independent.
- All living beings must accept the origin of their specific power as mentioned in this verse. And if they act accordingly, then simply by discharging their respective occupational duties they can achieve the highest perfection of life, namely eternal life, complete knowledge and inexhaustible blessings.
- As long as the powerful men of the world do not accept the origin of their respective powers, namely the Personality of Godhead, the actions of māyā (illusion) will continue to act.
- The actions of māyā are such that a powerful person, misled by the illusory, material energy, wrongly accepts himself as all in all and does not develop God-consciousness.
- The intelligent class of men, therefore, must admit the Lord as the ultimate source of all energies and thus pay tribute to the Lord for His good blessings.
- Simply by accepting the Lord as the supreme proprietor of everything, since He is actually so, one can achieve the highest perfection of life.
- Whatever a person may be in the estimation of the social order of things, if a person tries to reciprocate a feeling of love towards the Supreme Personality of Godhead and is satisfied with the blessings of the Lord, he will at once feel the highest peace of mind for which he is hankering life after life.
- Peace of mind, or in other words the healthy state of mind, can be achieved only when the mind is situated in the transcendental loving service of the Lord.
- The parts and parcels of the Lord are endowed with specific powers for rendering service unto the Lord, just as a big business magnate’s sons are empowered with specific powers of administration.
- The obedient son of the father never goes against the will of the father and therefore passes life very peacefully in concurrence with the head of the family, the father. Similarly, the Lord being the father, all living beings should fully and satisfactorily discharge the duty and will of the father, as faithful sons. This very mentality will at once bring peace and prosperity to human society.
His two nostrils are the generating centers of our breathing and of all other airs, His smelling powers generate the Aśvinī-kumāra demigods and all kinds of medicinal herbs, and His breathing energies produce different kinds of fragrance.
His eyes are the generating centers of all kinds of forms, and they glitter and illuminate. His eyeballs are like the sun and the heavenly planets. His ears hear from all sides and are receptacles for all the Vedas, and His sense of hearing is the generating center of the sky and of all kinds of sound.
The word tīrthānām is sometimes interpreted to mean the places of pilgrimage, but Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī says that it means the reception of the Vedic transcendental knowledge. The propounders of the Vedic knowledge are also known as the tīrthas.
His bodily surface is the breeding ground for the active principles of everything and for all kinds of auspicious opportunities. His skin, like the moving air, is the generating center for all kinds of sense of touch and is the place for performing all kinds of sacrifice.
The air is the moving agent of all the planets, and as such, the generating centers for promotion to the deserving planets, the sacrifices, are His bodily surface and are naturally the origin of all auspicious opportunities.
The hairs on His body are the cause of all vegetation, particularly of those trees which are required as ingredients for sacrifice. The hairs on His head and face are reservoirs for the clouds, and His nails are the breeding ground of electricity, stones and iron ores.
The polished nails of the Lord generate electricity, and the clouds rest on the hairs of His head. One can therefore collect all sorts of necessities of life from the person of the Lord, and therefore the Vedas affirm that everything that is produced is caused by the Lord. The Lord is the supreme cause of all causes.
The Lord’s arms are the productive fields for the great demigods and other leaders of the living entities who protect the general mass.
There are many powerful kings, leaders, learned scholars, scientists, artists, engineers, inventors, excavators, archaeologists, industrialists, politicians, economists, business magnates, and many more powerful deities or demigods like Brahmā, Śiva, Indra, Candra, Sūrya, Varuṇa and Marut, who are all protecting the interest of the universal affairs of maintenance, in different positions, and all of them are different powerful parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord. The Supreme Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa is the father of all living entities, who are placed in different high and low positions according to their desires or aspirations. Some of them, as particularly mentioned above, are specifically endowed with powers by the will of the Lord. A sane person must know for certain that a living being, however powerful he may be, is neither absolute nor independent.All living beings must accept the origin of their specific power as mentioned in this verse. And if they act accordingly, then simply by discharging their respective occupational duties they can achieve the highest perfection of life, namely eternal life, complete knowledge and inexhaustible blessings. As long as the powerful men of the world do not accept the origin of their respective powers, namely the Personality of Godhead, the actions of māyā (illusion) will continue to act. The actions of māyā are such that a powerful person, misled by the illusory, material energy, wrongly accepts himself as all in all and does not develop God consciousness. As such, the false sense of egoism (namely “myself” and “mine”) has become overly prominent in the world, and there is a hard struggle for existence in human society. The intelligent class of men, therefore, must admit the Lord as the ultimate source of all energies and thus pay tribute to the Lord for His good blessings. Simply by accepting the Lord as the supreme proprietor of everything, since He is actually so, one can achieve the highest perfection of life. Whatever a person may be in the estimation of the social order of things, if a person tries to reciprocate a feeling of love towards the Supreme Personality of Godhead and is satisfied with the blessings of the Lord, he will at once feel the highest peace of mind for which he is hankering life after life. Peace of mind, or in other words the healthy state of mind, can be achieved only when the mind is situated in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. The parts and parcels of the Lord are endowed with specific powers for rendering service unto the Lord, just as a big business magnate’s sons are empowered with specific powers of administration. The obedient son of the father never goes against the will of the father and therefore passes life very peacefully in concurrence with the head of the family, the father. Similarly, the Lord being the father, all living beings should fully and satisfactorily discharge the duty and will of the father, as faithful sons. This very mentality will at once bring peace and prosperity to human society.
What we are hearing in this section, chapters 5 and 6 is how the material world is created in very step-by-step detail. You cannot find this in any scripture. How this progressive material creation happens is discussed. It all started with the sound vibration. Qualities of tan mantra – Seeing, hearing, touching…
Maharaj Parikshit is asking question after question to understand the goal of the human form of life. Only in the human form of life who are civilized are able to understand how the creation took place and who is the ultimate creator, maintainer. We are all subject to the laws of nature – birth-death, old age, and disease. Any strategy or technology cannot save us from birth-death old age and disease. But the lord said in BG 7.14- daivy hesa guna mayi.. He is giving us an easy way to overcome the overpowering material nature. Simply by chanting, dancing, feasting…
Chant, feast, engage in Harinam Sankirtan, preaching, giving people a chance to hear. One is not meant to use the body for sense gratification, not for buying big homes, gadgets. All unnecessary things. The soul does not need mating, gadgets, material allurements..
We are forced to do things.
One thing that is not controlled by laws of nature/ karma is surrender to the lord. They regulate everything else. You can be the worst person but you can still surrender to the lord, your laws of karma does not control.
We chose not to follow the instructions of Krsna. We are under the spell of modes of material nature. We feel we are independent, but we are not.
Spiritual life is all about self-sufficiency. What you need is to learn how to grow your own food and depend on God. Industrialization ruined the lives of many people and it made people slaves of unnecessary products. When you are free from all illusory sense gratification activities, you can live peacefully, with a little bit of land, chanting, and hearing.
People find happiness in accumulating things, gadgets, properties, eating exotic food stuff, vacations, exploiting others, so they are searching for happiness by doing these things… This is impossible. They are searching for things in a place where it cant be found. It is like you lost keys somewhere and you are searching somewhere else and you will never find the keys.
We have the free will to accept that the
- God is the ultimate beneficiary of all our activities and sacrifices
- God is the supreme proprietor of everything
- Krsna, situated in your heart, is the best friend you can have, always waiting for you to turn your attention towards Him.
At the end of life, you will go back to Godhead.
Question – Inexhaustible blessings
Blessing – eternal life, eternal love, eternal reciprocation with the Lord, eternal
Blessing cannot be temporary, something which is eternal.
Not only ending, but it is also dynamic, it is always increasing, You will never get bored in spiritual life. Time is not destroying it is aiding everything. In the spiritual world, there is no past, present, and future. There is the eternal present. The soul is eternally happy.
Inexhaustible blessings – spiritual world
Inexhaustible miseries – material world.
The material world always goes through 6 stages – created, grows, exists, produces something, dwindles, & dies