SB 2.8.8 Notes – 11/17/21


  • In the creation of the material world the Supreme Lord undoubtedly assumes a gigantic body, and living entities also get bodies, big or small, according to necessity. 
  • For example, an elephant gets a gigantic body according to its needs, and so also an ant gets its body according to its needs. Similarly, if the Personality of Godhead assumes a gigantic body to accommodate the universes or the planets of a particular universe, there is no difference in the principle of assuming or accepting a particular type of body in terms of necessity.
  • A living being and the Lord cannot be distinguished simply by the difference in the magnitude of the body. 
  • So the answer depends on the specific significance of the body of the Lord, as distinguished from the body of the common living being.
  • The Lord creates and remains aloof from the creation, whereas the living entities are entangled in the fruitive results of material activities because of their propensity for lording it over material resources
  • The person who understands this transcendental nature of the Lord is an experienced man in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, and thus he is never subjected to the laws of karma.
  • “The Supreme Lord is the controller of all other controllers, and He is the greatest of all the diverse planetary leaders. Everyone is under His control
  • He is transcendental to all kinds of material leaders and controllers and is worshipable by all. There is no one greater than Him, and He is the supreme cause of all causes.
  • “He does not possess a bodily form like that of an ordinary living entity. There is no difference between His body and His soul. He is absolute. All His senses are transcendental. Any one of His senses can perform the action of any other sense. Therefore, no one is greater than Him or equal to Him. His potencies are multifarious, and thus His deeds are automatically performed as a natural sequence.” 
  • Kṛṣṇa may meditate on Himself because He is the complete whole, but we cannot imitate Him and meditate on ourselves. Our body is a designation superimposed upon our self, the soul. Kṛṣṇa’s body is not a designation: Kṛṣṇa’s body is also Kṛṣṇa. There is no existence of anything foreign in Kṛṣṇa. Whatever there is in Kṛṣṇa is also Kṛṣṇa. He is therefore the supreme, indestructible, complete existence, or the Supreme Truth.
  • Einstein did not believe in a personal god who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings this is a factual statement from his biography. Furthermore he says god does not punish People or he doesn’t let’s say try and correct people by giving them punishment. 
  • Verses which prove that Einstein theory about God is out right false are – BG 4.14, BG 3.22, Krsna Book Chapter 70.


If the Supreme Personality of Godhead, from whose abdomen the lotus stem sprouted, is possessed of a gigantic body according to His own caliber and measurement, then what is the specific difference between the body of the Lord and those of common living entities?

One should note how Mahārāja Parīkṣit intelligently put questions before his spiritual master for scientific understanding of the transcendental body of the Lord. It has been described in many places before this that the Lord assumed a gigantic body, like that of Kāraṇodakaśāyī Viṣṇu, from whose hair pores innumerable universes have generated. The body of Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu is described as sprouting the lotus stem within which all the planets of the universe remain, and at the top of the stem is the lotus flower on which Lord Brahmā is born. In the creation of the material world the Supreme Lord undoubtedly assumes a gigantic body, and living entities also get bodies, big or small, according to necessity. For example, an elephant gets a gigantic body according to its needs, and so also an ant gets its body according to its needs. Similarly, if the Personality of Godhead assumes a gigantic body to accommodate the universes or the planets of a particular universe, there is no difference in the principle of assuming or accepting a particular type of body in terms of necessity. A living being and the Lord cannot be distinguished simply by the difference in the magnitude of the body. So the answer depends on the specific significance of the body of the Lord, as distinguished from the body of the common living being.

Spiritual life is based on questions and answers. 

There should be so many questions we need to have about understanding the similarities and differences between the supreme personality of Godhead. We need to ask these 

questions because they are relevant because if you don’t understand the scientific knowledge of god and the differences and similarities that we have with god you’ll never

or we will never be able to go back to godhead because we will be making all kinds of mistakes all the time due to this incomplete knowledge just like giving an example in complete knowledge. 

Child not knowing will keep fingers in the outlet, falling down the steps, swallowing a penny, choking and dying, opening a window and falling down.. House can be very dangerous for a child if the parents are not vigilant.

Murphy’s law – worst thing that can happen can happen. 

You have to make everything idiot proof. 

in the same way the mayavadis and the impersonalists they don’t want to ask all these questions they just make assumptions and they negates all these things

But Srila Prabhupada is given the real science of krishna. I mean not prabhupada

exactly he’s translated it. It was given originally by vyasadeva to his son

Sukh Dev Goswami and Sukh Dev Goswami  expanded it and passed it on to Suta goswami and Satis goswami also passed it on to Saunaka rishi and the sages and naima

sha aranya and so and then the passing on has continued through

the disciplic succession of the Vaisnavas so it’s important for us today to to

study carefully the science of krishna


now i said that i was going to prove that although einstein is a great, was a great guy let’s say scientists as far as knowledge real knowledge of the universe and real knowledge of god he was an idiot he was dumb he made all kinds of mistakes. Because he though he was smart whatever he said will be accepted as the Gospel of truth. But that is not the case with devotees. 

  • Einstein did not believe in a personal god who concerns himself with fates

and actions of human beings this is a factual statement from his biography. 

He was an impersonalist, just like Mayavadi. His champion was spinoza, he was another Mayavadi.. He did not believe that God was a person.

Faith and Fate 

Minute and Minute 

English is very complicated language because it is the mixture of several languages. 

French words, Sanskrit words.. German words, Hebrew words, .. 

Lets compare to what Krsna says and Einstein says – 

BG 4.14

There is no work that affects Me; nor do I aspire for the fruits of action. One who understands this truth about Me also does not become entangled in the fruitive reactions of work.

Does God do something, or does He make the creation and sit back and do nothing? 

As there are constitutional laws in the material world stating that the king can do no wrong, or that the king is not subject to the state laws, similarly the Lord, although He is the creator of this material world, is not affected by the activities of the material world. He creates and remains aloof from the creation, whereas the living entities are entangled in the fruitive results of material activities because of their propensity for lording it over material resources. The proprietor of an establishment is not responsible for the right and wrong activities of the workers, but the workers are themselves responsible. The living entities are engaged in their respective activities of sense gratification, and these activities are not ordained by the Lord. For advancement of sense gratification, the living entities are engaged in the work of this world, and they aspire to heavenly happiness after death. The Lord, being full in Himself, has no attraction for so-called heavenly happiness. The heavenly demigods are only His engaged servants. The proprietor never desires the low-grade happiness such as the workers may desire. He is aloof from the material actions and reactions. For example, the rains are not responsible for different types of vegetation that appear on the earth, although without such rains there is no possibility of vegetative growth. Vedic smṛti confirms this fact as follows:

According to this verse – Krishna is not responsible for the acts of the living entities. He gives them body and limited free will. it’s up to them. what

is going to happen to them is based on their previous karma and on the choices

they make it now. So the choices they made in their previous life, that’s their fate, the choices they’re going to make now will be their destiny in the future. 

  • furthermore he says god does not punish People or he doesn’t let’s say try and correct people by giving them punishment. 

well he’s wrong, he’s flat out wrong. 

“In the material creations, the Lord is only the supreme cause. The immediate cause is material nature, by which the cosmic manifestation is made visible.” The created beings are of many varieties, such as the demigods, human beings and lower animals, and all of them are subject to the reactions of their past good or bad activities. The Lord only gives them the proper facilities for such activities and the regulations of the modes of nature, but He is never responsible for their past and present activities. In the Vedānta-sūtra (2.1.34) it is confirmed, vaiṣamya-nairghṛṇye na sāpekṣatvāt: the Lord is never partial to any living entity. The living entity is responsible for his own acts. The Lord only gives him facilities, through the agency of material nature, the external energy. Anyone who is fully conversant with all the intricacies of this law of karma, or fruitive activities, does not become affected by the results of his activities. In other words, the person who understands this transcendental nature of the Lord is an experienced man in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, and thus he is never subjected to the laws of karma. One who does not know the transcendental nature of the Lord and who thinks that the activities of the Lord are aimed at fruitive results, as are the activities of the ordinary living entities, certainly becomes entangled himself in fruitive reactions. But one who knows the Supreme Truth is a liberated soul fixed in Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

When Einstein says he does not believe in personal God, that means – 

so when einstein says he doesn’t believe there’s a personal god

that implies many things right there that means that there is no one who made

the laws of material nature but he does accept that nature functions

in a orderly way and he’s overwhelmed by the organization of nature and how it’s functioning and all he’s doing is discovering some few parts of it he hasn’t he never

finished his unified field theory so he had a few understandings of the

way some parts of nature function but he knew one thing that nature is

functioning in an orderly way but he rejects the existence of a supreme god

who’s supremely intelligent he does not have any explanation clear

explanation of why it’s or how it became orderly in its functioning and

he doesn’t accept that people can infringe on let’s say laws

of of nature now he explains certain laws of nature like e

equals m c squared which is uh which means basically that energy can be

transformed into matter and matter can be transformed back into energy

and that implies that there’s a conservation of energy

in other words einstein had no understanding no clear understanding the

law of karma and that god is involved in the fates and the actions of the human beings because without god no one would be able to act no one will be able to do anything you

know the soul the the jiva soul is an emanation from krishna himself

And completely dependent everything is dependent on krishna and krishna is

everything because everything is made from his energy now einstein didn’t understand

any of those points now the second thing

Analogy – Rental Car,.. just like that Krsna gives us the body and gives us limited free will.. It is upto us how we drive the car. If we get drunk and drive the car and hit someone.. Then the rental car company is not responsible for it. 

Another verse which proves that Einsten did not understand about God is – 

BG 3.22

O son of Pṛthā, there is no work prescribed for Me within all the three planetary systems. Nor am I in want of anything, nor have I a need to obtain anything – and yet I am engaged in prescribed duties.

“The Supreme Lord is the controller of all other controllers, and He is the greatest of all the diverse planetary leaders. Everyone is under His control. All entities are delegated with particular power only by the Supreme Lord; they are not supreme themselves. He is also worshipable by all demigods and is the supreme director of all directors. Therefore, He is transcendental to all kinds of material leaders and controllers and is worshipable by all. There is no one greater than Him, and He is the supreme cause of all causes.

“He does not possess a bodily form like that of an ordinary living entity. There is no difference between His body and His soul. He is absolute. All His senses are transcendental. Any one of His senses can perform the action of any other sense. Therefore, no one is greater than Him or equal to Him. His potencies are multifarious, and thus His deeds are automatically performed as a natural sequence.” (Śvetāśvatara Upaniṣad 6.7–8)

Since everything is in full opulence in the Personality of Godhead and is existing in full truth, there is no duty for the Supreme Personality of Godhead to perform. One who must receive the results of work has some designated duty, but one who has nothing to achieve within the three planetary systems certainly has no duty. And yet Lord Kṛṣṇa is engaged on the Battlefield of Kurukṣetra as the leader of the kṣatriyas because the kṣatriyas are duty-bound to give protection to the distressed. Although He is above all the regulations of the revealed scriptures, He does not do anything that violates the revealed scriptures.

so how can einstein know what is right and wrong when he doesn’t even

accept that god is a person you see and and not only he’s a person he’s unique

so we’re going to hear now how unique he is in the 70th chapter of the krishna book

which is entitled krsna’s daily activities

KRSNA BOOK – Chapter 70 

After rising from bed, Lord Kṛṣṇa would wash His mouth, hands and feet and would immediately sit down and meditate on Himself. This does not mean, however, that we should also sit down and meditate on ourselves. We have to meditate upon Kṛṣṇa, Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa. That is real meditation. Kṛṣṇa is Kṛṣṇa Himself; therefore He was teaching us that brāhma-muhūrta should be utilized for meditation on Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa. By such meditation Kṛṣṇa would feel very much satisfied, and similarly we will also feel transcendentally pleased and satisfied if we utilize the brāhma-muhūrta period to meditate on Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa and if we think of how Śrī Rukmiṇī-devī and Kṛṣṇa acted as ideal householders to teach the whole human society to rise early in the morning and immediately engage in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. 

The bodily limitation whereby one part of the body cannot act as another part is totally absent from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. There is no difference between His body and Himself. He is completely spiritual, and therefore there is no difference between His body and His soul. Similarly, He is not different from His millions of incarnations and plenary expansions. Baladeva is the first expansion of Kṛṣṇa, and from Baladeva expand Saṅkarṣaṇa, Vāsudeva, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. From Saṅkarṣaṇa there is an expansion of Nārāyaṇa, and from Nārāyaṇa there is a second quadruple expansion of Saṅkarṣaṇa, Vāsudeva, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. Similarly, there are innumerable other expansions of Kṛṣṇa, but all of them are one. Kṛṣṇa has many incarnations, such as Lord Nṛsiṁha, Lord Boar, Lord Fish and Lord Tortoise, but there is no difference between Kṛṣṇa’s original two-handed form, like that of a human being, and these incarnations of gigantic animal forms. Nor is there any difference between the action of one part of His body and that of another. His hands can act as His legs, His eyes can act as His ears, or His nose can act as another part of His body. Kṛṣṇa’s smelling and eating and hearing are all the same. We limited living entities have to use a particular part of the body for a particular purpose, but there is no such distinction for Kṛṣṇa. In the Brahma-saṁhitā it is said, aṅgāni yasya sakalendriya-vṛtti-manti: Kṛṣṇa can perform the activities of one limb with any other limb. So by analytical study of Kṛṣṇa and His person, it is concluded that He is the complete whole. When He meditates, therefore, He meditates on Himself. Self-meditation by ordinary men, designated in Sanskrit as so ’ham, is simply imitation. Kṛṣṇa may meditate on Himself because He is the complete whole, but we cannot imitate Him and meditate on ourselves. Our body is a designation superimposed upon our self, the soul. Kṛṣṇa’s body is not a designation: Kṛṣṇa’s body is also Kṛṣṇa. There is no existence of anything foreign in Kṛṣṇa. Whatever there is in Kṛṣṇa is also Kṛṣṇa. He is therefore the supreme, indestructible, complete existence, or the Supreme Truth.

Man Gods Cancel things,,. And they trick you.. By closing the door. The sages meditated for thousand years..  meditated for a thousand years to figure out what would be the best ..solution for people suffering in age of uh kali yuga and it was bhagavatam the literary incarnation of krishna the the exact complete science of krishna explained in depth

this will make you happy this will give you eternal life this will purify all

impurities in your mind and your body and you can go back to godhead easily if

you hear this every day. 

Unified field theory is Krsna Himself.. There is not difference between Krsna and His body.. Brahma Muhurta – 3 hours before Sunrise.. Hear things and remember things.. Very important to wake up 3 hours before sunrise.. Should take rest earlier.. Athe latest by 10 pm.