- The symptoms of the worst conditions of the material world, at the last stage of this age, called Kali-yuga, are stated in this verse.
- The sum and substance of such conditions is godlessness. Even the so-called saints and higher castes of the social orders, generally known as the dvija-janas or the twice-born, will become atheists.
- Because of the lack of training or culture in the upper section of the social orders, there are no more to be designated as the dvija-janas, or the twice-born.
- No one can expect any peace and prosperity in a human society full of uncultured, lower classes of men.
- The symptoms of such uncultured social animals are already in vogue, and it is the duty of the leaders of men to take note of it and try to reform the social order by introducing the principles of twice-born men trained in the science of God consciousness.
- This can be done by expanding the culture of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam all over the world.
- The Lord instructs that one has to become fully Kṛṣṇa conscious to discharge duties, as if in military discipline.
- Such an injunction may make things a little difficult; nevertheless duties must be carried out, with dependence on Kṛṣṇa, because that is the constitutional position of the living entity.
- The living entity cannot be happy independent of the cooperation of the Supreme Lord, because the eternal constitutional position of the living entity is to become subordinate to the desires of the Lord.
- Arjuna was therefore ordered by Śrī Kṛṣṇa to fight as if the Lord were his military commander. One has to sacrifice everything for the good will of the Supreme Lord, and at the same time discharge prescribed duties without claiming proprietorship.
- One has to act on the order of the master but should not expect fruitive results. One has to realize that nothing in the world belongs to any individual person, but that everything belongs to the Supreme Lord.
- When one acts in such Kṛṣṇa consciousness, certainly he does not claim proprietorship over anything. This consciousness is called nirmama, or “nothing is mine.”
- If there is any reluctance to execute such a stern order, which is without consideration of so-called kinsmen in the bodily relationship, that reluctance should be thrown off; in this way one may become vigata-jvara, or without feverish mentality or lethargy.
- As there is punishment for disobedience to the order of the supreme executive head, so there is certainly punishment for disobedience to the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
- A disobedient person, however great he may be, is ignorant of his own self, and of the Supreme Brahman, Paramātmā and the Personality of Godhead, due to a vacant heart. Therefore there is no hope of perfection of life for him.
- An ordinary man with firm faith in the eternal injunctions of the Lord, even though unable to execute such orders, becomes liberated from the bondage of the law of karma.
- In the beginning of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, one may not fully discharge the injunctions of the Lord, but because one is not resentful of this principle and works sincerely without consideration of defeat and hopelessness, he will surely be promoted to the stage of pure Kṛṣṇa consciousness.
Thereafter, at the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no topics on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints and respectable gentlemen of the three higher castes, and when the power of government is transferred to the hands of ministers elected from the lowborn śūdra class or those less than them, and when nothing is known of the techniques of sacrifice, even by word, at that time the Lord will appear as the supreme chastiser.
Everything mentioned in this verse, all the symptoms discussed here are already happening. We need not wait until the end of the Kali Yuga. Kali Yuga is still going to last for 427000 years..
Example – a woman whom Maharaj knew, her son became an atheist due to modern education, a very unhappy man. Mental problems, no friends, social anxiety, sadness.. Sit in front of the computer…
The symptoms of the worst conditions of the material world, at the last stage of this age, called Kali-yuga, are stated herein. The sum and substance of such conditions is godlessness. Even the so-called saints and higher castes of the social orders, generally known as the dvija-janas or the twice-born, will become atheists. As such, all of them will practically forget even the holy name of the Lord, and what to speak of His activities. The higher castes of society, namely the intelligent class of men guiding the destinies of the social orders, the administrative class of men guiding the law and order of the society, and the productive class of men guiding the economic development of the society, must all be properly well versed in knowledge of the Supreme Lord, knowing factually His name, quality, pastimes, entourage, paraphernalia and personalities. The saints and the higher castes or orders of the society are judged by their proportion of knowledge in the science of God, or tattva-jñāna, and not by any kind of birthright or bodily designations.
The science of God is explained in BG and SB. If anyone wants to elearn Science, they need to read SB. Nectar of Devotion is a scientific book explaining about every step (in detail) of devotion.
Inorder to be liberated – you have to lose the faith in material life. But everyone has tremendous faith in material life. I am going to be happy by making money and doing sense gratification. People are bored of living in Seattle – they want to live in NY or LA as there is more nightlife full of sense gratification. People are listening less and less, hearing BG & SB is the key.
BG 3.31
Those persons who execute their duties according to My injunctions and who follow this teaching faithfully, without envy, become free from the bondage of fruitive actions.
But an ordinary man with firm faith in the eternal injunctions of the Lord, even though unable to execute such orders, becomes liberated from the bondage of the law of karma. In the beginning of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, one may not fully discharge the injunctions of the Lord, but because one is not resentful of this principle and works sincerely without consideration of defeat and hopelessness, he will surely be promoted to the stage of pure Kṛṣṇa consciousness.
My Injunctions – Krishna;’s injunctions – orders
Without envy – Because people sometimes turn against KC. My life is miserable because of KC. Parents are pushing their own children into sense gratification.
BG 3.30
Therefore, O Arjuna, surrendering all your works unto Me, with full knowledge of Me, without desires for profit, with no claims to proprietorship, and free from lethargy, fight.
We have to learn not to be discouraged and to believe in the words of scriptures and acharyas, we have to be courageous and fight the demon within ourself, that voice that speaks to us dont do this.. Keep sleeping you dont have to wake up early… eat this, it’s ok.. Just follow 3 regs and not the other one..
LA – Loose Angeles.. When you associate with devotees who are loose you become loose.
This verse clearly indicates the purpose of the Bhagavad-gītā. The Lord instructs that one has to become fully Kṛṣṇa conscious to discharge duties, as if in military discipline.
When you enter the military you lose your independence. If you do not follow the authority you are thrown out..
Such an injunction may make things a little difficult; nevertheless duties must be carried out, with dependence on Kṛṣṇa, because that is the constitutional position of the living entity. The living entity cannot be happy independent of the cooperation of the Supreme Lord, because the eternal constitutional position of the living entity is to become subordinate to the desires of the Lord. Arjuna was therefore ordered by Śrī Kṛṣṇa to fight as if the Lord were his military commander. One has to sacrifice everything for the good will of the Supreme Lord, and at the same time discharge prescribed duties without claiming proprietorship. Arjuna did not have to consider the order of the Lord; he had only to execute His order. The Supreme Lord is the soul of all souls; therefore, one who depends solely and wholly on the Supreme Soul without personal consideration, or in other words, one who is fully Kṛṣṇa conscious, is called adhyātma-cetās. Nirāśīḥ means that one has to act on the order of the master but should not expect fruitive results. The cashier may count millions of dollars for his employer, but he does not claim a cent for himself. Similarly, one has to realize that nothing in the world belongs to any individual person, but that everything belongs to the Supreme Lord. That is the real purport of mayi, or “unto Me.” And when one acts in such Kṛṣṇa consciousness, certainly he does not claim proprietorship over anything. This consciousness is called nirmama, or “nothing is mine.” And if there is any reluctance to execute such a stern order, which is without consideration of so-called kinsmen in the bodily relationship, that reluctance should be thrown off; in this way one may become vigata-jvara, or without feverish mentality or lethargy. Everyone, according to his quality and position, has a particular type of work to discharge, and all such duties may be discharged in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, as described above. That will lead one to the path of liberation.
If the movement to change SP succeeds, then this purport will be eliminated because it is against many people’s belief – they believe that they are independent, they are not subordinate.. It starts with High Five in Kindergarten.. They are lowering academic standards.. So everyone can pass and no one flunks the test.. High five is a job well done.. People do nonsense and they give high five too. It is a symbol of raising self esteem.. is equal..There is no real instruction being given, it is all about high fiving. Great you are able to blow bubble with your bubble gum.
Such designations, without any knowledge of the science of God and practical knowledge of devotional service, are considered to be all decorations of dead bodies. And when there is too much inflation of these decorated dead bodies in society, they develop so many anomalies in the progressive, peaceful life of the human being.
There is lots of distress, fear, because of the lack of training and culture in the upper sections of society.. KC is all about being trained in the culture of Krsna.
BG 3.32
But those who, out of envy, disregard these teachings and do not follow them regularly are to be considered bereft of all knowledge, befooled, and ruined in their endeavors for perfection.
The flaw of not being Kṛṣṇa conscious is clearly stated herein. As there is punishment for disobedience to the order of the supreme executive head, so there is certainly punishment for disobedience to the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. A disobedient person, however great he may be, is ignorant of his own self, and of the Supreme Brahman, Paramātmā and the Personality of Godhead, due to a vacant heart. Therefore there is no hope of perfection of life for him.
Because of the lack of training or culture in the upper section of the social orders, there are no more to be designated as the dvija-janas, or the twice-born. The significance of being twice-born has been explained in many places in these great literatures, and again one is reminded herewith that birth, executed by the sex life of the father and the mother, is called animal birth. But such animal birth and progress of life on the animal principles of eating, sleeping, fearing and mating (without any scientific culture of spiritual life) is called the śūdra life or, to be more explicit, the uncultured life of the lower class of men. It is stated herein that the governmental power of society in the Kali-yuga will be passed over to the uncultured, godless laborer classes of men, and thus the nṛdevas (or the ministers of the government) will be the vṛṣalas, or the uncultured, lower-class men of society. No one can expect any peace and prosperity in a human society full of uncultured, lower classes of men. The symptoms of such uncultured social animals are already in vogue, and it is the duty of the leaders of men to take note of it and try to reform the social order by introducing the principles of twice-born men trained in the science of God consciousness. This can be done by expanding the culture of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam all over the world. In the degraded condition of human society, the Lord incarnates as the Kalki avatāra and kills all the demonic without mercy.
Well this is a frightening prediction that is going to happen. Sukhdev Goswami, Suta Gosvami they are trilkalgna.. They can see past present and future.. They predicted things and they are happening. The tendency of electing the low class people as leaders is already there..
Queen Elizabeth will be the last monarch. Monarchy failed because kings are no longer trained in KC. They are elected with no qualification no training only for the name and fame and sense
King Henry the Eighth.. Wanted to dump his wife and get a new wife. The Pope opposed it as it is opposite to the Catholic church rules. So he started his own independent church (Anglican church) to mend the rules and have more sense gratification..
Not very uplifting to read the history.. Sometimes it is good to learn what mistakes were done in the past..
In Islam after Mohammed there was split of Shias and Sunis.. There was blood shed..
Hermeneutics – How you can speculate.. License to speculate.
- Different interpretations of Bible.
- Even in ISKCON.. There is hermeneutics.. There is a set a people who want to change everything negative women in the SP texts.
Will you accept Marlyn Monroe as ideal woman? No she is a fallen women Will you accept Bill Gates as ideal man? No he is a fallen me
BG 9.32
māṁ hi pārtha vyapāśritya
ye ’pi syuḥ pāpa-yonayaḥ
striyo vaiśyās tathā śūdrās
te ’pi yānti parāṁ gatim
O son of Pṛthā, those who take shelter in Me, though they be of lower birth – women, vaiśyas [merchants] and śūdras [workers] – can attain the supreme destination.
Is this an indictment of these people? Even the fallen people can go back to Godhead. This is a positive thing. Does it mean all women? All sudras? All vysyas.. No only fallen ones.
In Introduction Page 31 There is alternate translation.
We pray to Kunti Devi, Yasodamyai.. But surpanaka is a fallen woman we do not worship her..
Reading is not enough, One has to keep hearing to penetrate through the hard skull..
All you need is BG and SB