SB 3.2.6 Notes – 5/16/22


  • When Uddhava was fully absorbed in the transcendental ecstasy of love of God, he actually forgot all about the external world
  • The pure devotee lives constantly in the abode of the Supreme Lord, even in the present body, which apparently belongs to this world.
  •  Even though a pure devotee is present on this mortal planet, he is here in relation to the Lord for engagement in transcendental loving service, and not for any material cause.
  • The living entities all over the universes are enjoying the effects of the respective fruitive results of their own work, life after life. Out of all of them, some may be influenced by the association of pure devotees and thus get the chance to execute devotional service by attainment of taste.
  • This taste is the seed of devotional service, and one who is fortunate enough to have received such a seed is advised to sow it in the core of his heart. As one cultivates a seed by pouring water to fructify it, the seed of devotional service sown in the heart of the devotee may be cultured by pouring water in the form of hearing and chanting of the holy name and pastimes of the Lord.
  • The creeper of devotional service, so nourished, gradually grows, and the devotee, acting as a gardener, goes on pouring the water of constant hearing and chanting.
  • The creeper of devotional service gradually grows so high that it passes through the entire material universe and enters into the spiritual sky, growing still higher and higher until it reaches the planet Goloka Vṛndāvana.
  • The devotee-gardener is in touch with the abode of the Lord even from the material plane by dint of performing devotional service to the Lord simply by hearing and chanting.
  • As a creeper takes shelter of another, stronger tree, similarly the creeper of devotional service, nourished by the devotee, takes shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord and thus becomes fixed. When the creeper is fixed, then the fruit of the creeper comes into existence, and the gardener who nourished it is able to enjoy this fruit of love, and his life becomes successful.

SB 3.2.6 – 5/16/22

The great devotee Uddhava soon came back from the abode of the Lord to the human plane, and wiping his eyes, he awakened his reminiscence of the past and spoke to Vidura in a pleasing mood.

When Uddhava was fully absorbed in the transcendental ecstasy of love of God, he actually forgot all about the external world. The pure devotee lives constantly in the abode of the Supreme Lord, even in the present body, which apparently belongs to this world. The pure devotee is not exactly on the bodily plane, since he is absorbed in the transcendental thought of the Supreme. When Uddhava wanted to speak to Vidura, he came down from the abode of the Lord, Dvārakā, to the material plane of human beings. Even though a pure devotee is present on this mortal planet, he is here in relation to the Lord for engagement in transcendental loving service, and not for any material cause. A living entity can live either on the material plane or in the transcendental abode of the Lord, in accordance with his existential condition. The conditional changes of the living entity are explained in the Caitanya-caritāmṛta in the instructions given to Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī by Lord Śrī Caitanya: “The living entities all over the universes are enjoying the effects of the respective fruitive results of their own work, life after life. Out of all of them, some may be influenced by the association of pure devotees and thus get the chance to execute devotional service by attainment of taste. This taste is the seed of devotional service, and one who is fortunate enough to have received such a seed is advised to sow it in the core of his heart. As one cultivates a seed by pouring water to fructify it, the seed of devotional service sown in the heart of the devotee may be cultured by pouring water in the form of hearing and chanting of the holy name and pastimes of the Lord. The creeper of devotional service, so nourished, gradually grows, and the devotee, acting as a gardener, goes on pouring the water of constant hearing and chanting. The creeper of devotional service gradually grows so high that it passes through the entire material universe and enters into the spiritual sky, growing still higher and higher until it reaches the planet Goloka Vṛndāvana. The devotee-gardener is in touch with the abode of the Lord even from the material plane by dint of performing devotional service to the Lord simply by hearing and chanting. As a creeper takes shelter of another, stronger tree, similarly the creeper of devotional service, nourished by the devotee, takes shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord and thus becomes fixed. When the creeper is fixed, then the fruit of the creeper comes into existence, and the gardener who nourished it is able to enjoy this fruit of love, and his life becomes successful.That Uddhava attained this stage is evident from his dealings. He could simultaneously reach the supreme planet and still appear in this world.

  • If one is completely absorbed in the transcendence of the lord, one forgets about the external world
  • Inorder to preach one must come to the level of Madhyama Adhikari.. Inorder to preach in an effective way of communicating to others about Krsna.. 
  • Madhyama Adhikari – Sees devotees makes friendships, sees innocent people kind to them, sees the scientists and demons – avoids unless they want to ask a questions
  • If one is uttama adhikari – sees everyone as the pure devotee of the lord..
  • We just chanted Hare Krsna yesterday.. Last night instead of the Kavach mantras.. 
  • Chanting the holy name is the yuga dharma. 
  • Regularly hearing BG, SB and CC
  • Way to culture the seed of bhakti is hearing and chanting. 
  • Existential condition – based on the experiences.. 
  • VOCAB – purge – eliminating
  • We need to purge the material desires and replace them with the spiritual desires
  • Example- Chauffer Ram Das .. Limousine.. Company.. Would drive SP always.. That is dovetailing.. The Driving capacity is used in serving and pleasing SP
  • By attainment of the taste.. 

BG 2.59 

Though the embodied soul may be restricted from sense enjoyment, the taste for sense objects remains. But, ceasing such engagements by experiencing a higher taste, he is fixed in consciousness.

Unless one is transcendentally situated, it is not possible to cease from sense enjoyment. The process of restriction from sense enjoyment by rules and regulations is something like restricting a diseased person from certain types of eatables. The patient, however, neither likes such restrictions nor loses his taste for eatables. Similarly, sense restriction by some spiritual process like aṣṭāṅga-yoga, in the matter of yama, niyama, āsana, prāṇāyāma, pratyāhāra, dhāraṇā, dhyāna, etc., is recommended for less intelligent persons who have no better knowledge. But one who has tasted the beauty of the Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa, in the course of his advancement in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, no longer has a taste for dead, material things. Therefore, restrictions are there for the less intelligent neophytes in the spiritual advancement of life, but such restrictions are only good until one actually has a taste for Kṛṣṇa consciousness. When one is actually Kṛṣṇa conscious, he automatically loses his taste for pale things.

Color and taste is very important.. 

Signature things  – Joy of Chanting and dancing, Sweet rice, Hari Pizza, Goodness cookies, Iskcon bullets, Burrito Sankirtan, Flowers from the garlands,

Art school – sreshta teach Madhubani art in the temple

SP gave the garland and asked to give all the flowers from it to everyone.. 

All offered garlands, used incense sticks, any paraphernalia .. we should collect them.

In the church.. Pls forgive us we are sinners

 But devotees become ecstatic.. Washing dishes.. They get ecstatic.