- Brahma Samhitha 5.62 – “Listen, O Vidhi, I am the seed, i.e., the fundamental principle, of this world of animate and inanimate objects. I am pradhāna [the substance of matter], I am prakṛti [material cause] and I am puruṣa [efficient cause]. This fiery energy that belongs specially to the Brahman, that inheres in you, has also been conferred by Me. It is by bearing this fiery energy that you regulate this phenomenal world of animate and inanimate objects.”
- From the purport of BS 5.62 – By discarding all the speculations, you and your bona fide community should adopt the ultimate principle identical with the doctrine of acintya-bhedābheda (inconceivable simultaneous distinction and nondifference). This will make you eligible for being a true devotee.
- The basic principle is that this animate world is made up of jīvas and the inanimate world is constituted of matter. Of these all the jīvas have been manifested by My supreme (parā) potency and this phenomenal world has been manifested by My secondary (aparā) potency. I am the cause of all causes.
- In other words, I regulate all of them by the power of My will although I am not a different entity from the marginal and material (taṭasthā and acit) potencies
- This simultaneous distinction and nondifference has also sprung from My inconceivable power.
- So let the attainment of love for Kṛṣṇa by the practice of pure devotion through the knowledge of their mutual true relationship that subsists between the jīva, the jaḍa (matter) and Kṛṣṇa based on the principle of inconceivable simultaneous distinction and non-difference, be My instruction for being handed down in the order of spiritual preceptional succession in your community (Śrī Brahma-sampradāya).
- If one is having trouble chanting Hare Krsna Maha Mantra that means that they are cursed by yamaraj.
- Hence one needs to wake up Jiva Jago..
- When one wakes up and becomes Krsna Conscious, one is very eager to chant and hear the Maha mantra.
- If one is not Krsna Conscious – you don’t like to chant hare krishna and you don’t like to follow krishna consciousness strictly, then you become a separatists. And the separatist is number one failure in life they’ll fail in all their relationships
they’ll fail in everything they dol - Failure means at the moment of death you cannot remember krishna so you have to start all over again and there’s no guarantee what the next birth is going to be.
- Krishna consciousness is very important to accept as young as possible
- one should not waste any time – uh why becausewe don’t know how much time we have someone who’s 14 and who’s going to die when they’re 18 is already old person
and someone who’s 70 but yet is going to live to be a hundred they’re still a young person so we don’t know when we’re going to die - If one is intelligent – one always thinks i could die in the next minute
- Maharaja pariksit understood that he was going to die in seven days he asked the question now that i know i’m going to die what should be my duty
right away Sukhdev goswami came it was clearly understood that - The duty of everyone is to hear srimad-bhagavatam every day and bhagavad-gita
- hear it every day because our disease is forgetfulness.
- Our disease is forgetfulness – due to forgetfulness and first negligence and then forgetfulness of krishna uh as soon as we become negligent in following the regulative principles
- There’s eight principles – and the positive principles are
- regularly hearing bhagavad-gita bhagavatam
- taking only prashadam
- associating with devotees
- doing devotional service
- visiting the temple regularly and doing devotional service
- avoid the negative things – meat eating, gambling illicit activities and intoxication
- It’s very easy to be krishna conscious it’s very hard to be a karmi – because you have to deal with stress you have to have difficult relationships you have to work hard you have to get sick a lot and have problems with the body and the
mind also so it’s very hard to be a karmi it’s very easy to be a devotee
but most people don’t understand that so they unnecessarily suffer in life they
unnecessarily are in stress they unnecessarily have difficulties in their relationships and and then they’re trying to relieve themselves by taking sleeping
pills and intoxicating and all these different things
SB 2.9.8 TRANSLATION: Lord Brahmā underwent penances for one thousand years by the calculations of the demigods. He heard this transcendental vibration from the sky, and he accepted it as divine. Thus he controlled his mind and senses, and the penances he executed were a great lesson for the living entities. Thus he is known as the greatest of all ascetics.
Lord Brahmā heard the occult sound tapa, but he did not see the person who vibrated the sound. And still he accepted the instruction as beneficial for him, and therefore he engaged himself in meditation for one thousand celestial years. One celestial year is equal to 6 × 30 × 12 × 1000 of our years. (2 trllion 160 billion years) His acceptance of the sound was due to his pure vision of the absolute nature of the Lord. And due to his correct vision, he made no distinction between the Lord and the Lord’s instruction. There is no difference between the Lord and sound vibration coming from Him, even though He is not personally present. The best way of understanding is to accept such divine instruction, and Brahmā, the prime spiritual master of everyone, is the living example of this process of receiving transcendental knowledge. The potency of transcendental sound is never minimized because the vibrator is apparently absent. Therefore Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam or Bhagavad-gītā or any revealed scripture in the world is never to be accepted as an ordinary mundane sound without transcendental potency.
If you want to see God, do something exceptional He will appear. Follow the example of Brahma, he took the sound as the instruction of the lord and performed tapa..
One has to receive the transcendental sound from the right source, accept it as a reality and prosecute the direction without hesitation. The secret of success is to receive the sound from the right source of a bona fide spiritual master. Mundane manufactured sound has no potency, and, as such, seemingly transcendental sound received from an unauthorized person also has no potency. One should be qualified enough to discern such transcendental potency, and either by discriminating or by fortunate chance if one is able to receive the transcendental sound from the bona fide spiritual master, his path of liberation is guaranteed. The disciple, however, must be ready to execute the order of the bona fide spiritual master as Lord Brahmā executed the instruction of his spiritual master, the Lord Himself. Following the order of the bona fide spiritual master is the only duty of the disciple, and this completely faithful execution of the order of the bona fide spiritual master is the secret of success.
The secret of success is in SB 2.9.6,7,8 – Brahma is an example of the secret of success.
The most successful people in this universe – Brahma, Narada, Kumaras, Prahlada.
If you are materially successful you are dealing with problems everyday and eventually you are so stressed out..
Nobody can have problems like pandavas.. Yet they are happy due to being Krsna Conscious.
Senses – sense perception and sense objects..
We have to control the senses otherwise they will control us.
Lord Brahmā controlled his two grades of senses by means of sense perception and sense organs because he had to engage such senses in the execution of the order of the Lord. Therefore controlling the senses means engaging them in the transcendental service of the Lord. The Lord’s order descends in disciplic succession through the bona fide spiritual master, and thus execution of the order of the bona fide spiritual master is factual control of the senses. Such execution of penance in full faith and sincerity made Brahmājī so powerful that he became the creator of the universe. And because he was able to attain such power, he is called the best amongst all the tapasvīs.
Most of the brahmanas are karma kandis. 98 precent of hindus are karma kandis. They perform sacrifices for material benefit.
BS 5.62
“Listen, O Vidhi, I am the seed, i.e., the fundamental principle, of this world of animate and inanimate objects. I am pradhāna [the substance of matter], I am prakṛti [material cause] and I am puruṣa [efficient cause]. This fiery energy that belongs specially to the Brahman, that inheres in you, has also been conferred by Me. It is by bearing this fiery energy that you regulate this phenomenal world of animate and inanimate objects.”
Certain thinkers conclude that the nondifferentiated Brahman is the ultimate entity and by undergoing self-delusion (vivarta) exhibits the consciousness of differentiation; or, the limiting principle itself (Māyā), when it is limited, is the phenomenal world and is itself the Brahman, in its unlimited position; or, the Brahman is the substance and this phenomenal world is the reflection; or, everything is an illusion of the jīva. Some think that Godhead is evidently a separate entity. Jīva is another different entity. and the phenomenal world, although it is a singular principle, exists separately as an eternally independent entity; or, Godhead, is the substantive entity and all other entities, as cit and a-cit attributes, are one in principle. Some suppose that by the force of inconceivable potency sometimes the monistic and sometimes the dualistic principle is realized as the truth. Some again arrive at the conclusion that the theory of the nondual minus all potency is meaningless; whence the Brahman is the one eternally unalloyed entity vested with the pure potency.
These speculations have originated from Veda relying on the support of the Vedānta-sutra. In these speculations although there is no truth that holds good in all positions, there is yet a certain measure of truth. Not to speak of the anti-Vedic speculations Sāṅkhya, Patañjala, Nyāya and Vaiśeṣika, nor even of Pūrva-mīmāṁsā which is fond of exclusive fruitive activity in conformity with the teaching of one portion of the Veda, the bodies of opinions detailed above have also come into existence by relying outwardly on the Vedānta itself. By discarding all these speculations, you and your bona fide community should adopt the ultimate principle identical with the doctrine of acintya-bhedābheda (inconceivable simultaneous distinction and nondifference). This will make you eligible for being a true devotee. The basic principle is that this animate world is made up of jīvas and the inanimate world is constituted of matter. Of these all the jīvas have been manifested by My supreme (parā) potency and this phenomenal world has been manifested by My secondary (aparā) potency. I am the cause of all causes. In other words, I regulate all of them by the power of My will although I am not a different entity from the marginal and material (taṭasthā and acit) potencies. By the transformation of those distinct potencies pradhāna (substantive material principle), prakṛti (material cause) and puruṣa (efficient cause) have been produced. Hence although as regards the subjective nature of all potency I am pradhāna, prakṛti and puruṣa, yet as the possessor of power I am eternally distinct from all those potencies. This simultaneous distinction and nondifference has also sprung from My inconceivable power. So let the attainment of love for Kṛṣṇa by the practice of pure devotion through the knowledge of their mutual true relationship that subsists between the jīva, the jaḍa (matter) and Kṛṣṇa based on the principle of inconceivable simultaneous distinction and non-difference, be My instruction for being handed down in the order of spiritual preceptional succession in your community (Śrī Brahma-sampradāya).
All the speculations going on around the world about Jiva, God, Universe..they all arise from the Vedas. – Jaimini, Patanjali,
Acintya beda abeda tattva is the unified field theory.
The entire conception of material life is based on the false foundations of I and mine.
The real I is I am the cooperator of Krsna.
Homework for next week –
Read Brahma Samhitha 5.61 translation and purport. Explain what this paragraph means in detail: “Brahmā cherishes the desire for creation in his heart. If that creative desire is practiced by conjoining the same with the meditation of obeying therein the command of the Supreme Lord, then it will be a subsidiary spiritual function (gauṇa-dharma) being helpful for the growth of the disposition for the service of the Divinity by reason of its characteristic of seeking the protection of Godhead.”
Hint: The “command of the Supreme Lord” is explained in BG 18.65.
- If one is having trouble chanting Hare Krsna Maha Mantra that means that they are cursed by yamaraj.
- Hence one needs to wake up Jiva Jago..
- When one wakes up and becomes Krsna Conscious, one is very eager to chant and hear the Maha mantra.
- If one is not Krsna Conscious – you don’t like to chant hare krishna and you don’t like to follow krishna consciousness strictly, then you become a separatists. And the separatist is number one failure in life they’ll fail in all their relationships
they’ll fail in everything they dol - Failure means at the moment of death you cannot remember krishna so you have to start all over again and there’s no guarantee what the next birth is going to be.
- Krishna consciousness is very important to accept as young as possible
- one should not waste any time – uh why becausewe don’t know how much time we have someone who’s 14 and who’s going to die when they’re 18 is already old person
and someone who’s 70 but yet is going to live to be a hundred they’re still a young person so we don’t know when we’re going to die - If one is intelligent – one always thinks i could die in the next minute
- maharaja pariksit understood that he was going to die in seven days he asked the question now that i know i’m going to die what should be my duty
right away Sukhdev goswami came it was clearly understood that - the duty of everyone is to hear srimad-bhagavatam every day and bhagavad-gita
- hear it every day because our disease is forgetfulness.
- Our disease is forgetfulness – due to forgetfulness and first negligence and then forgetfulness of krishna uh as soon as we become negligent in following the regulative principles
- there’s eight principles – and the positive principles are
- regularly hearing bhagavad-gita bhagavatam
- taking only prashadam
- associating with devotees
- doing devotional service
- visiting the temple regularly and doing devotional service
- avoid the negative things – meat eating, gambling illicit activities and intoxication
- it’s very easy to be krishna conscious it’s very hard to be a karmi – because you have to deal with stress you have to have difficult relationships you have to work hard you have to get sick a lot and have problems with the body and the
mind also so it’s very hard to be a karmi it’s very easy to be a devotee
but most people don’t understand that so they unnecessarily suffer in life they
unnecessarily are in stress they unnecessarily have difficulties in their relationships and and then they’re trying to relieve themselves by taking sleeping
pills and intoxicating and all these different things